
Hon Theophilus Albert Marryshow CBE 1943; Journalist; MLC (Elected) for St George’s, Grenada (Dep. Pres., 1951-54); formerly MEC Grenada; b. St George’s, 7 November 1887. Educ.: St George’s Wesleyan School. Editor of St. George’s Chronicle and Grenada Gazette, 1911; Founder and Editor of The West Indian, 1915-1924. Formerly Member, St. George’s District Board. President, Caribbean Labour Conference, 1946; Representative, West Indian Conference (Caribbean Commission), 1946; Advisor, Federation Conference, London, 1953. Advocate of closer unity of the West Indies. Jubilee Medal, 1935; Coronation Medal, 1937. Publications: articles in many journals. Address: St. George’s Grenada BWI; Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Westminster Hall, SW1 [Died 19 Oct. 1958] —
Who Was Who Vol V 1951-1960